Saturday, May 5, 1894


A Fatal Shot.
Frank Adamack Shoots Farmer Carson.
The Ball Struck Carson in the Breast and will Probably Cause his Death.
William Carson, a German farmer who lives four miles north west of Barrington, was shot and fatally wounded by Frank Adamack of Algonquin, Wednesday night.  When the shooting occurred Adamack and Charles Woodrack, constable at Algonquin, and John Donnelly, of Crystal Lake, were in pursuit of Henry Brinkman, a burglar who had robbed several stores in Algonquin.  They called at Carson’s
house and asked for information concerning Brinkman, because he had formerly been employed by Carson as a farm hand.  Carson was unable to understand English and Woodrack went to a neighboring farmhouse for an interpreter.  During his absence Adamack broke into Carson’s house, and the latter, thinking he intended to rob him, fired at him.  Adamack returned the fire and shot Carson in
the breast.  When we last heard from Mr. Carson he was still alive, but very low.

Arthur Hendrickson was a caller on Wednesday.

Mrs. M. K. Church is visiting friends in Chicago.

Nearly every one has finished putting in their oats.

Mayor Grote of Elgin, was seen on our streets Wednesday.

Herman Schwemm of Barrington was a caller on Wednesday.

Farmers are wearing rather long faces of late, cause, wet weather.

Rev. Walker and wife of Dundee, were callers Wednesday.

Miss Pearl Cowdin is spending a few days with Carpentersville friends.

School commenced again Tuesday, as Miss Newell’s sister has recovered from the scarlet fever.

Quite a number from here went to Geveva Lake to attend the Hendrickson vs. Walbaum suit.

Mr. Tinny Householher of Rauley Iowa, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Miller.

Mr. E. N. Miller is improving his residence by having it papered.  Mr. Rover, of Dundee is doing the work.

At the school election Saturday night, Drew Miller, and A. D. Church were elected for new members of the board.

After Sunday April 30th, there will be services at the M. E. Church every Sunday at 2:30 p.m.  Rev. Walker of Dundee will preach.

Mr. Floyd Ainsworth, who has been staying for sometime with his sister Mrs. Martin, started for his home in New York, Wednesday.  He was an employee of the Elgin Watch factory until of late.

Mr. A. D. Church has been improving his place by setting out some fine shade-trees, purchased of Mr. David Hill, the Dundee nurseryman.    Jewel.

Church Directory.
ST. ANN’S CHURCH—Catholic—Services every other Sunday at 9 a.m.  Rev. Father J. F. Clancy, pastor.

EVANGELISCHE ST. PAUL’S CHURCH.—Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday morning service 10:30 o’clock.—Rev. E. Rahn, pastor.

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH—Services Sunday morning 10:30 a.m.  Sabbath School 12 m.  Evening service 7 p.m.  Prayer meeting, Friday evening, 7:30 p.m.—Rev. R. Bailey, pastor.

THE EVANGELISCHE CHURCH—Sunday School 9:15 a.m.  Sunday morning service 10:30 a.m.  Sunday evening service 7:30 p.m.  Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.—Rev. J. B. Elfrink, pastor.

EVANGELISCHE SALEM CHURCH—Sunday School 9:15 a.m.  Sunday morning service 10:30 a.m.  Sunday evening service 7:30 p.m.  Young People’s meeting Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.  Prayer meeting, Wednesday evening.  6:30. Rev. M. L. Schuster, pastor.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH.—Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m.  Sabbath school at 11:45 a.m.  Junior League 3 p.m.  Epworth League 6:15 p.m.  Bible Study Thursday evening at 7:30.  Prayer meeting, Friday 7:30 p.m.—E.W. Ward, Pastor.

The following is a list of the letters remaining in the post office at Barrington, Ill., April 27, 1894, as
Henry Herschlag
Levi Heckman
August Haak
Jaakob Kamgas
E. P. Merrill
Henry Meiser
W. J. Pollock
Josie Qeenby
Henry Schwanhoff 2
T. E. Sonn
Theodore Skeibe
Will J. Smith
Geo. Wragg
John Weymouth
M. B. McIntosh,
P. M.

Did you try Waller’s Ice Cream Soda.

The Rev. Mr. Schuster has moved to Elgin.

M. C. McIntosh made Chicago a call Monday.

Mr. G. H. Landwer is repainting his house.

Wm. Peters is having a siege of the mumps.

Pretty spring capes at A. W. Meyer & Co. at very low prices.

J. C. Plagge made Chicago a business call Tuesday.

Geo. Frye of Crystal Lake was on our streets Tuesday.

Rev. Mr. Suhr moved in the parsonage Saturday.

Try Belfast Ginger Ale or Vichy Mineral Water at A. L. Waller’s.

Miss Euphret, is visiting at the home of Mr. Wm. Wilmer’s.

Mr. S. Peck went to Chicago on business Wednesday.

Did you see those latest style hats at J. C. Plagge’s.

Wallace Wood has added some material to his shop.

Miss Esther Eldridge visited Chicago Saturday.

See the bargains in Dress Prints at A. W. Meyer & Co. this week.

Mr. Geo. Miller has commenced the work on his new house.

Remember the concert at the M. E. Church May 12th.

No fishing allowed in our brickyard—Station Street.

John Schwemm is having a turn at the mumps.

Prof. C. E. Sharp, was a very pleasant caller Thursday.

Mr. Charlie Seip, of Lake Zurich, was a pleasant caller Thursday.

For the latest patterns in wall paper go to A. W. Meyer & Co.

Mr. Will Brockway, made Chicago a business call Wednesday.

Mr. F. L. Waterman, made Chicago a business call Thursday.

Misses Myrtle and Effelyn Runyan visited in Chicago Saturday.

The little child of J. R. Catlow has been suffering with fever the last week.

Alabastain is all the go now, it takes the place of calsomining.  Sold by A. L. Waller.

Mrs. J. M. Thrasher is able to attend to her house-hold duties again.

Colvins Home-made bread still takes the lead, fresh every day at J. C. Plagge’s.

Admission only 10 cents for the concert on Saturday evening May 12th.

Henry A. Meyer had another operation performed on his leg Wednesday.

The Elgin Watch Factory, began to run five days in the week the 1st of May.

Glidden wire at L. F. Schroeders.  $2.75 per hundred.  Staples throwed in.

F. A. Maurer, of the Board of Trade firm of Irwin Green & Co. with his wife, spent Sunday in Barrington.

Mr. F. E. Bennett, returned home from New York, the first of the week.  He reports a very pleasant journey.

There will be a flag raising at the White School, which is situated a short distance from Barrington, on next Friday afternoon, May 11, at 2 o’clock.  Supt. M. W. Marvin of Waukegan, superintendent of Lake county, will be present and assist.  An entertaining programme will be rendered.  Miss Effelyn Runyan, the teacher, has spared no pains to make this a success, and the News assures those
who attend an enjoyable time.

JUST OPENED.—In the Lageschulte block with a line of fancy groceries, confectionery, bakery goods and also a full line of candies, fresh fruits, vegetables, smoked and dried meats.  Ice cream and lemonade on hand.  For a first-class bakery lunch give me a call.  F. L. Waterman.

An entertainment will be given at the Porter District No. 3 School on May 11th at 7:30 o’clock by the scholars.  A collection will be taken which will be used in purchasing a flag for the school house.  All are cordially invited.

The members of the Lutheran Church are preparing to build a new Parsonage, at the cost of $1,650. This will be a grand improvement and will no doubt be appreciated by all.  The intended building will be erected where the old one now stands.

Deputy Isaac Hulme, was on our streets Tuesday.  Mr. Hulme, organized a K. O. T. M. Tent in Hampshire, Ill., last Friday night with thirty-two charter members.  He is now working at Arlington Heights and Desplaines.

Buy one of those beautiful Bissells carpet sweepers at the A. W. Meyer & Co.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Barrington Protective and Detective Association will hold their meeting at the Village Hall Monday, May 7th, 1894 at 8 p.m.  J. C. Plagge, Sec.

There was a free show on the bank corner Monday evening, that was witnessed by many of our citizens.  But the town marshal took charge of the actor and successfully placed him behind the bars.

A.L.Waller is the only agent in Barrington, for the celebrated Phoenix Stock Food, for all kinds of animals.

LOST, STRAYED or STOLEN.  A reward of $10 will be paid any person finding a passage of Scripture that teaches the application of water by sprinkling or pouring in baptism.  Any person giving chapter and verses before the 1st day of June, 1894, will receive the above reward.  D. A. Pierce, Barrington, Ill.

The Womans Thursday Club, met at the residence of Mrs. Prof. Smith’s, Thursday P.M.  The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Robertson’s, and the ladies will begin the reading of Macbeth.

Monday, while Mr. Meier was doing some work in a car, he slipped and fell striking on the back of his head, hurting himself quite bad but is able to be around again.

Go to R. C. Comstocks, and examine the beautiful line of Ladies and Childrens hats, placed there for sale by Mrs. Alice St. Clair.  Prices that will suit each and everyone.

Prof. Blackman, will give a concert at the M. E. Church on Saturday eve. May 12th.  The class is largely attended, and the rehearsals are of a most interesting nature.

J. C. Plagge has just received a fine line of Joseph Burnett & Co.’s flavoring extracts.

See Mrs. St. Clair’s local this week.

Don’t forget to attend the private lecture to night, at Stott’s Hall.

Mrs. Renfro, of Wauconda, was a caller to Barrington Thursday.

A fine line of Gents neck wear of the latest style, at J. C. Plagge’s.

Mr. I. A. Pixley of Elgin, visited his son H. T. Pixley, Saturday.

The new officers of the village took their seats Tuesday evening.

Boys, how’s fishing for bullheads.  Is it better than hunting for ducks?

Mr. Chas. Horn, has the basement for his new house completed.

Special run on dress ginghams, at wholesale prices at A. W. Meyer & Co.

Did you notice the many bargains offered in our columns this week.

A.L. Waller has received his new soda fountain and has it in running order.

How is fishing boys?  Did you catch more than you could carry home?

Buy your carpets at A. W. Meyer & Co.  Made and fitted to your room.

Mr. A. V. Kimberly and son Ray, made a business trip to Chicago, Thursday.

The concert at the M. E. church May the 12th, will be one of the best of the season.

Just received, at J. C. Plagge’s a large stock of Hendersons, Little red schoolhouse shoes.

Constable Spooner passed through Barrington this morning with Mr. Adamack of Algonquin.

Mr. William Collins has completed the foundation for his new house.

The quarterly conference of the M. E. Church was held last Saturday in the church parlors.

Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson from Chicago spent a few days with their parents on the farm last week.

If Elgin keeps on at the present rate it wont be long until they will move the Watch Factory to Barrington,

Mrs. C. D. Taylor and children of Palatine spent Saturday and Sunday with her mother, Mrs. G. W. Johnson.

Don’t forget that J. C. Plagge carries one of the finest lines of wall-paper and window shades in the Market.

Mr. M. J. Rauh went to Chicago, Wednesday where he will make home in the future.  The News wishes him the best of success.

This seems to be a bad town for traveling photographers.  Some of them came to Barrington, put up a tent and stayed just one night.

FOR SALE—250 hardwood posts, split.  Inquire at the News office for particulars.  M. E. Bennett, on the Wallace Bennett estate.

Prof. Blackman will be assisted by talent from Chicago, at the concert on Saturday evening May 12th at the M. E. Church.

Prof. Sharp will deliver a lecture for men and boys above the age of puberty, in Stott’s Hall to-night. Doors open at 7:30.  Admission 15 and 25 cents.

The dance given last night is Stott’s Hall was quite well attended by pleasure seekers who all enjoyed it.  The good music and refreshments made them all happy, and they danced until a late hour and went home rejoicing.